We will be finger painting this week this week! (I made these ahead of time so they will be ready when we need them) In case you forgot how much fun finger painting was… here is a recipe you can make using things you probable already have at home. After you make the paints jump right in and get your fingers dirty with the kids! Make a mess. Make art. Make memories!
This recipe only takes about 10 minutes to cook. It has a beautifully smooth texture which you can make thick or thin. Note: Depending on the amount you need – increase or decrease the quantities of this recipe.
To save time, you can make larger batches to store away for when needed.
What You Need:
1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup cornstarch 2 1/2 cups water + extra for thinner paint 1 tablespoon salt food colouring or tempera paint powder 1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid – optional small sealable containers – only if storing

1. Add flour, cornstarch and salt to saucepan and only add 1/2 cup of the water. Mix into a thick paste. 2. Turn on the heat on low, and add 1 cup of water to the saucepan, mixing with a whisk to combine and prevent lumps. 3. Whisk continuously until paint mixture starts to thicken and then continue mixing with a wooden spoon. 4. Once paint mixture is thick and smooth remove from the heat. 5. Add another 1/2 cup of water (more may be needed to reach desired consistency) and mix thoroughly to combine. Allow to cool. 6. Once cooled, mix in the dishwashing liquid – optional. It will give the paint a smoother consistency and a glossy finish when dry. 7. Separate the paint into small containers and color with small amounts of either food coloring or tempera. If using tempera powder add a little more water to combine.
Once kids have had fun painting, store remainder in the refrigerator for up to a week.

The kids have so much fun finger painting and the best part about this paint is that its safe if they end up tasting it!

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