Today we made play dough with the little ones. This is such a simple activity to do with toddlers but its one activity they never get tired of! Im thinking of tweaking this recipe a bit and incorporating sand so the kids can build sand castles! (in the yard of course) When we get around to that I will let you know how that goes. Stay tuned!…

Play dough with Jello You will need: 1 cup white flour 1 cup warm water 2 Tbsp salt 2 Tbsp cream of tartar 2 Tbsp cooking oil 1 (3oz pkg) Jello
Mix all of the ingredients together in a small saucepan until most of the lumps are gone.
Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously until it thickens into a ball of dough.
Once it has finished cooking, place the dough onto a floured cutting board and wait for it to cool.
Once it is cool (at least 20-30 minutes) let the little ones knead it, adding in flour until it is no longer sticky (about 1/2 cup). At this point, you can add in extra food coloring to make the colors more vibrant, or even add glitter. We didn’t add any food coloring I thought it looked good with just the Jello.
When you are finished playing, store in the refrigerator in an airtight container or ziploc bags. It will keep for at least a few weeks in the refrigerator, with daily use. If at any time it starts to be a little sticky, just add more flour.
Hope you and your little ones enjoy making and playing with this play dough!

This is a great activity to have the kids help with the "cooking" and so much fun to play with after! I will warn you though, this dough smells really tasty! Just like the other recipes we use, its safe if the kids do end up trying to eat it. I hope you enjoy making this fun jello play dough with your little ones! Let me know what you think! If you enjoyed this and would like to see more, subscribe to my blog!