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Tonight I had to switch gears for a bit. I don't have a very big crafting area so when I switch from one type of project to another Its like a mini spring cleaning event. If I can manage to stay on task and not get distracted Im in good shape! Sometimes that doesn't happen. Sometimes when I start cleaning up my inks and stamps, I get a really good Idea. Well, when that happens you HAVE to go with it before you lose your inspiration. Luckily tonight I was able to stay focused of clearing my desk and setting up my sewing machine! That in itself was an accomplishment!

While I was out this past weekend I happened to end up in a fabric store. They had some really AMAZING disney prints! After about an hour of looking,I am very proud to say that I limited myself to just 2 prints! (another mini accomplishment for me!) I decide to make my little girls blankets for Christmas!

I am very pleased with the way these turned out! (aside from the fact that I thought I had teal thread, but unfortunately did not) I am absolutely in love with the colors of both! Now, to finish up all my sewing projects before I have to switch crafting gears again! Haha!


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