Growing your own vegetables is lots of fun! We do it using our kitchen scraps and we call it our "Scrap Garden". Making a scrap garden is super easy and doesn't take nearly as long as growing from seeds, plus its a way to recycle some of your kitchen scraps and it cuts a little bit of your grocery bill! There are lots of things that are easy to grow from kitchen scraps. We've done the following, but I encourage you to experiment!

Green onion
Brussel Sprouts
Sweet Potato (see the accidental sweet potato story below)
There really isn't much to making a scrap garden of your own. All you need do to is save the trimmings of your vegetables and put them in water for a few days before putting them in the soil. I recommend changing the water a couple of times a day. You will want to save the bottoms of things that grow above ground such as lettuce, chard, green onions etc. and save the tops of things that grow underground like carrots and beets.
Once you notice some growth in your scraps you can transfer them into the soil. Water and care for them the way you would any other plant and as they grow you can harvest and eat them! Id love to hear what you plant in your scrap gardens, comment below! Also don't forget to subscribe to my blog for more fun ideas and activities!
Bonus: Here's a fun little story about the accidental sweet potato!
I had a sweet potato on the counter for a couple of days and it started to sprout, excessively. I took it that the potato was saying "Please let me live!" So I took it outside and stuck it in the corner of the planter that we had our scrap garden in. I told the potatto "If it's your will, live" (yes like a weirdo, i talked to the potato. out loud) And live it did! In no time that sucker overtook the whole planter and killed off everything else.
Fast forward 8 months. Today we harvested our sweet potatoes! From that one potato that we left on the soil, we got 3 big potatoes and 5 smaller ones! Who knows what would have happened if we let it go longer. But it was time to move on and re-plant some other veggies for our lunches. Oh, and we baked the potatoes and had them in the afternoon for snack time! I think I will get a separate planter and do another sweet potato plant. It was lots of fun to dig 'em up! See pice of the accidental sweet potato harvest in the slideshow below!
If you have a small or no yard id recommend using the planter box we use. Its self contained so that water and dirt don't spill out. It also has wheels so that it can be moved easily. Its also the perfect size for little ones! affiliate link below: